I 100% sympathize for the innocent victims caught in the crossfire of the recent Iranian political standoff. What I'm finding difficult to grasp is why the world has turned to a blind eye to Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and countess others. It's as though "people are looking for something to stand up for RIGHT NOW vs. something ongoing and unmentioned." - a friend. Do we need visual proof of human suffering in order to take a stand? Have we forgotten about the images of the Palestinian father who was shielding his son from point blank, enemy fire, only to find them both left for dead?
Love me or hate me for this I really don't give a shit, but don't just stand up for one thing while forgetting about the rest.
My tears hold no solidarity to one particular nation or region. Neda Soltani's untimely departure was just a sad, but (un)necessary reminder of human injustice world wide.
Concerned Citizen